Spaying or Neutering Your Dog

What is a spay?

A spay (ovariohysterectomy) is an operation to remove the ovaries and uterus from a female dog or cat. This is a permanent form of birth control for female pets. Once a pet is spayed, heat cycles and pregnancy can no longer occur.

What is a neuter?

Neutering (castration) is the surgical removal of both testicles or testes of male dogs or cats. It is the primary method of sterilizing male dogs and cats.

Why should I have my pet spayed or neutered?

The mating instincts of unneutered dogs and cats are strong. You may be responsible for unwanted litters if your pet is given the freedom to wander.

Pet overpopulation is the number one reason why millions of cats and dogs are euthanized each year. Spaying and neutering can help control the pet population and reduce the number of dogs and cats that are abandoned or must be destroyed.

There are certain health benefits to spaying or neutering your pet. A female that is not spayed may develop infections of the uterus or mammary (breast) cancer. Mammary cancer affects nearly one in ten female dogs that are not spayed, but it is rare in spayed females.

A neutered male is less likely to roam and fight other animals. In male cats, there is less spraying or “marking” of territory. In male dogs, there is also less urine marking. There is also less risk of developing prostate enlargement, infections, or prostate(testicular) cancer.

When is a good time for this operation?

Six months is the most common age to spay or neuter a dog or cat. Female pets do not have to go through a heat cycle nor do they need to have a litter prior to the surgery.

If spayed before a heat cycle, mammary cancer is extremely rare.

Will this change my pet’s personality?

In male dogs, the sex hormone testosterone increases aggressive behavior. The lower level of testosterone following the neutering procedure will reduce the dog’s aggressive tendencies toward other dogs. If you have your pet neutered at six months of age before the testosterone levels get high, you should not see any change in your pet’s behavior related to surgery.

Will my pet become fat and lazy?

A spay or neuter may slightly decrease body metabolism. However, proper diet and regular exercise have a greater influence over your pet’s weight and health than does sterilization surgery.

Also, see Information About Your Pet’s Surgery for more information.

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Information About Your Pet’s Surgery


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